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Oil Paintings
“Art is an aspiration, eternally impotent, and incomplete.”
George Sand
I paint to challenge and entertain.
Since these paintings are figurative, they start out as pure draftsmanship, and then evolve over time into an equation of composition.I try to capture water's true essence, making it real, and unreal, not surreal, an organic abstract painting in the truest sense. My goal is to bridge a gap between the real world and abstract thinking.
I have loved painting pictures of water for many years, but came upon this style in a lucid dream, could see the dream painting in my minds eye, but was unable to find a way to put it on canvas until I saw, at the New York Public Library, the compositional theory in a painting by Howard Hodgkin, though his was horizontal, not vertical.
A piece that is realized is a joy to paint. The first layers are psychedelically bright. They are washed away with ethereal bone white glazes. If properly lit, the colors glow from beneath the layers. I add the blotches following strict classical guidelines; yet I seek the effect of free flowing form, which the viewer finds energizing or relaxing, depending on the piece. The paint is applied in a way to make it last as long as possible.
I have been a resident of the East Village of Manhattan, New York City since 1983
I was always drawing everywhere as a child,
2 years at Washington State University, studying art.
Began seriously painting in 1992, an obsession unignorable.
All images are copyrighted.
Col Legno restaurant
3 shows
Tasting Room
Gift of the Magi Show
Harvest of Dreams Show
Country: United States
E-mail: waterpainter1999@msn.com
Site: Janine Brinck oil paintings